Guitar Lessons for beginners


Learning how to play guitar is one of the most rewarding things you can do. We are here to provide you guitar lessons for beginners and all levels!

Guitar Learning Classes
Guitar Learning Classes


The instrument takes some time to learn but once you get the hang of it, there’s no limit on what you can accomplish.  Guitar players are among the most in-demand musicians in any genre, and if you’re musically inclined, this is a great way to make money while doing something that brings joy into your life. You’ll find that with just a little bit of dedication and practice, learning guitar will open up an entire world for you!


The guitar is a great instrument to play because it can be adapted to any skill level. When you first start out, fingerpicking is the best way to go; this will help coordinate your fingers with the different strings and frets on your guitar. You’ll also want to invest in an acoustic guitar-a cheap one would work just fine for starters. 

Though electric guitars are fun, they come with their own set of challenges. Electric guitars require specific accessories like amplifiers and effects pedals that make learning even more of a hassle than it already is! Acoustic guitars are much simpler instruments (which makes them easier for beginners) and maintain the same sound no matter where you play.

Learning where exactly each string should be plucked is important to take note of for any musician. 

The guitar has six strings and each string is the perfect distance away from each fret. For example, your index finger should be placed on the third fret while your ring finger should be on the second. These two fingers will play either open notes or fretted notes and should remain stationary no matter what. Learning which finger does what will help you find all the different chord shapes that you need!


You’ll want to practice strumming with a metronome or drum machine before trying it out with other musicians. It’s not good to rush into playing with other people right away-it might seem like everyone else knows exactly what they’re doing but chances are, they don’t! When you first start, it’s important to keep up on your own and practice as much as you can. You’ll find that once you play with other musicians, the songs will sound great anyway!

Now that we’ve gone over some of the basics, let’s go ahead and talk about how to hold your guitar correctly. It may seem straightforward at first but there are actually some tricks that experienced guitarists use to help them out! First off, picture a clock face on top of your guitar. 

Your strumming hand should be placed in between 9-10 o’clock while your fretting hand should be placed between 3-4 o’clock! Keep both hands close together when possible because this makes it easier for your fingers to switch positions and play different notes.

It might be a little difficult to learn how to switch between chord shapes but with practice, it will get easier! Once you find the root note that goes with any given chord, just move your fingers into that shape and strum away! You’ll find this much easier once you get used to playing songs in the same key (this is something we’ll talk about in more detail soon).