Stacey was raised in Seoul Korea and received her Bachelor of Music in piano from Ewha Women’s University. During her college career she performed as an accompanist for solo singers, musicals and choir. Since moving to the US, Stacey has attended Colburn Conservatory, studied with Dr. Heewon Kwon and had a master class with Daniel Pollak.

Stacey received her Master’s degree in Piano Pedagogy from Temple University where she studied with Alexander Fiolilo. Her professors include Dr. Robert Pennington of West Chester College of Music. She joined the music education certification program atTemple University and is a Suzuki certified instructor.

Stacey taught at Haverford School and Rosemont school for 17 years. She also taught music and art at the Huntington Valley Christian Academy in Philadelphia. She has taught a number of prize-winning students for Pennsylvania and New York competitions and performed at Carnegie Hall and The Kimmel Center with the excellent teacher’s award from the “Music Fest” committee.


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