Starting Your First Classical Guitar Lessons

There are a number of advantages to starting classical guitar lessons that make the experience very rewarding.

Acoustic Guitar Lessons
Acoustic Guitar Lessons

Firstly, you don’t need any prior experience or knowledge of music in order to start learning how to play the classical guitar.

In fact, some would argue that it is actually an advantage not having prior knowledge as you’ll be more open-minded and won’t be stuck with old bad habits that you’ve picked up from other instruments or genres of music. Another great thing about starting your first classical guitar lessons is that you can learn at your own pace and take as much time as needed between each lesson without worrying about inconveniencing anyone else. Additionally, there will always be someone there to answer any questions you may have along the way so if anything is unclear you don’t need to worry that your question will go unanswered.

Find a good teacher

Of course, learning techniques and chords with an experienced teacher is not the only way of starting classical guitar lessons, but it certainly has its advantages. With the help of a good teacher, students will find it much easier to master their first couple of chords than trying to learn them on their own without any prior guidance whatsoever. If you are given all the tools you need to start playing simple songs, melodies, and chords in no time, chances are you’ll be very motivated to keep playing and develop your skills further!
It’s important that new guitarists do not forget that they can always practice at home between or after their guitar lessons Starting off with classical guitar lessons will allow you to develop your skills in a structured way, learning about music theory along the way.

All of these things will help you advance much faster than if you were trying to learn on your own without any guidance whatsoever.


Once you have learned how to play some simple songs and melodies on the guitar, chances are you’ll be very motivated to keep practicing and teaching yourself new techniques and chords!
The best part is that starting classical guitar lessons gives people the opportunity for an enjoyable experience in which they can make their lifelong dreams come true. You don’t need any prior knowledge or experience in order to get started; all you need is a good teacher who knows everything there is to know about playing the classical guitar and someone willing to put in plenty of time and effort!
Starting out with a good teacher means that you will make faster progress and master your first chords in no time. In fact, some people find this course of action even more rewarding than learning by themselves!

Learn at your own pace

There are many reasons for starting your first classical guitar lessons. You can learn at your own pace without worrying about inconveniencing anybody else and you’ll be given all the tools you need to start playing simple songs, melodies, and chords in no time. With a good teacher guiding you along the way it’s much easier to master a couple of basic techniques and develop new ones from there without being hindered by any bad habits from other instruments or genres of music. Once they have learned how to play simple songs and melodies on the guitar many students are very motivated to keep practicing and teaching themselves new techniques.

There is nothing more rewarding than making your lifelong dreams come true while enjoying yourself at the same time! Let us help you learn how to play the musical instrument of your dreams!

Different Types of Guitars
Different Types of Guitars

East Valley School of Music
4835 S Arizona Ave, Chandler, AZ 85248, United States
+1 480-895-0007